In India alone, nearly 2 million people are blinded because of corneal disorder and 1 lakh people lose their lives each year. If the eyes of the deceased could be collected for corneal transplant, it could bring the joy of sight to that many of those blind. Mathematically, corneal blindness can be eradicated in just 10 years. Statistics however show that only about 30,000 eyes are collected every year in India for transplant.In and around the city of Chennai about 100 deaths are reported daily. If only about 10 pairs of eyes could be collected every day, corneal blindness in and around Chennai could be eradicated in no time. There is an ever increasing waiting list for corneal transplant and unless eye donation is adopted with a religious zeal the gap between supply and demand would be unbridgeable.Realizing the potential for providing eyesight to thousands of those who will never see again, Rajan Eye Care Hospital in collaboration with the Rotary Club of Madras T.Nagar established an eye bank known as the Rajan Eye Bank. Working on a war footing towards combating corneal blindness, the team at the eye bank is on alert round the clock. They reach the place of the deceased to collect the eyes within half an hour on receiving the call.
Rajan Eye Bank offers you the chance to give the invaluable gift of sight. By pledging to donate, you can help restore vision to those in need. Fill out the form to register as an eye donor with Rajan Eye Bank and make a lasting difference.