Refractive Surgery at Rajan Eye Care Hospital offers advanced treatments to correct refractive errors like myopia, hyperopia, and astigmatism. With innovative options like Femto LASIK, Contoura Vision, and SMILE, our goal is to help patients achieve clear, natural vision with precision, safety, and minimal recovery time.
A refractive error is a very common eye disorder. It occurs when the eye cannot clearly focus on images. The result of refractive errors is blurred vision, which sometimes is so severe that it causes visual impairment.
The three most common refractive errors are:
Apart from the above is Presbyopia, which leads to difficulty in reading or seeing at arm’s length. It differs from the other disorders in that it is linked to aging and occurs almost universally.
Book AppointmentManufactured in Switzerland, the Alcon Wavelight Refractive Suite represents the most highly advanced technology in refractive surgery . It transmits laser pulses at a considerably denser rate than other femtosecond laser equipment. For this reason, the energy used to make the flap as well as the spot size are significantly smaller than with other femtosecond-based lasers. Due to its low amount of energy, side effects and mechanical tensions on the cornea are as minimal as possible.
Contoura Vision is one of the most advanced technologies in Laser Vision Correction . Apart from correcting the specs power, Contoura Vision also corrects corneal irregularities while working on the visual axis, providing sharper visual outcomes.
The inclusion of Femtosecond lasers in refractive error surgery has raised safety to a whole new level, as the flap is no longer required to be made with a mechanical razor (blade), as was the case in older LASIK technology. This outpatient procedure does not require hospitalization. Topical anesthetic drops are used, and the patient is awake during the entire procedure. Near-normal sight capacity is restored, and the patient can enjoy results the same day following the surgery.
The surgeon uses FS 200 LASER aided by computer software to guide the laser beam, which passes into the cornea and pulses a pattern of tiny overlapping spots. This pattern results in a precise cut of the cornea at a depth determined by the surgeon. As with a mechanical Microkeratome, a small section of tissue at one edge of the corneal flap is left uncut, forming a hinge that allows the surgeon to fold back the corneal flap and reshape the corneal bed with the Excimer laser, as in traditional LASIK.
The Femto LASIK surgery doesn’t require hospitalization. The eye to be operated on will be anesthetized using eye drops. The surgery takes only a few minutes and doesn’t involve pain.
SMILE stands for Small Incision Lenticule Extraction. It is the latest minimally invasive laser refractive surgery for correcting Myopia and Astigmatism. SMILE is a flapless, bladeless form of keyhole procedure.
LASIK requires approximately a 20mm opening, while SMILE requires only a tiny opening (<4mm ) to facilitate removing a lenticule.
The lenticule is removed through the small incision, minimizing disruption of corneal biomechanics. Once the lenticule is removed from the corneal stroma, the corneal shape is altered, achieving the desired refractive correction.
If you have a refractive error such as Myopia, Hyperopia, Astigmatism, or Presbyopia, refractive surgery is a method for correcting these. This surgical procedure adjusts the eye’s focusing ability by reshaping the cornea, the clear, round dome at the front of your eye
At Rajan Eye Care Hospital, we use an advanced refractive procedure called LASIK (Laser-Assisted In-Situ Keratomileusis), where an Excimer Laser reshapes the cornea. LASIK is painless, restores vision in around 15 minutes, and has minimal side effects. Patients who undergo this treatment experience a significant improvement in their vision, boosting confidence and quality of life without the dependency on spectacles or contact lenses
Rajan Eye Care Hospital has been performing laser vision correction since 2006, completing thousands of surgeries. Our facilities are state-of-the-art, featuring advanced LASIK technology with a 4th generation FEMTOSECOND LASIK Laser for safe and efficient procedures.
Step 1: Creating the Corneal Flap The eye surgeon uses either a mechanical microkeratome or a femtosecond laser to create a thin, circular “flap” in the cornea. The surgeon then folds back the hinged flap to access the underlying cornea (stroma) for laser treatment.
Step 2: Reshaping the Cornea The surgeon focuses the laser on the middle corneal layer, activating it for a few seconds to reshape the cornea. Each laser pulse creates a ticking sound, representing an individual pulse. After reshaping, a small amount of fluid washes away microscopic tissue debris. The flap is then folded back, adhering naturally without sutures.
This technology allows surgeons to tailor the excimer laser to treat tiny visual irregularities. It provides fast and accurate laser tracking, making it the world’s fastest laser system for refractive treatments, reducing risks and providing consistently accurate results. The FS 200 laser works in tandem with the EX 500 excimer laser, forming the Femto suite for excellence in refractive surgery .
The laser can deliver super vision in less time than it takes to make a cup of coffee!
Achieving the best results from refractive surgery involves following essential post-operative instructions:
LASIK is a cosmetic eye procedure, and adhering to post-operative instructions is crucial for achieving the best outcomes.